Pension Services

streamline your pensions process


Place your employees’ pensions in the spotlight

We’ll ensure your organisation meets legal obligations with automatic enrolment, while focusing on the financial wellbeing of your staff.

With established partnerships with multiple pension providers, coupled with comprehensive pension education and administration of numerous schemes for our clients, we offer the confidence to navigate pension requirements seamlessly.
Access to our extensive Pension Knowledge Centre further enriches our support.

Our fully managed Pension Service offers:

Workplace pension scheme setup

Take the hassle out of workplace pension scheme setup with our comprehensive services.

We handle the entire process for you, from setting up your workplace pension to assessing your workforce and enrolling eligible employees. Our seamless approach extends to providing statutory communications through employee ePortals, ensuring a smooth and compliant pension enrolment experience for both you and your team.

We partner with multiple pension providers to deliver Auto-Enrolment (AE) compliant pension solutions tailored to your needs

Call us now to discuss your new workplace pension requirements on 0117 9323444 or email

Pension Providers

Streamlining automatic enrolment duties across more than 20 pension companies, we take charge of the process for you.

Our success in the bureau market stems from educating you on employer responsibilities and collaborating closely with pension companies to enhance portal management.

We administer the following pension schemes:

  • AJ Bell
  • Collegia
  • Friends Life
  • Hargreaves Lansdown
  • Legal & General
  • NEST
  • NOW: Pensions
  • Penfold
  • Pension Bee
  • RIBA
  • Royal London
  • Scottish Widows
  • Smart Pensions
  • Standard Life
  • The Peoples Pension
  • TPT Retirement
  • True Potential
  • Workers Pension Trust

AE communications for employers

We empower employers, and place them in control of their automatic enrolment duties.

We communicate key elements of the automatic enrolment (AE) process including:

    • AE eligibility reports
    • AE email correspondence listings
    • Tri-annual enrolment notification and process management

As an employer, you will gain full visibility into the enrolment status of each employee, view all Auto-Enrolment (AE) communications that we have sent to your employees through your employer ePortal and receive monthly reports displaying employee pension status.

Automatic Enrolment Communications – An Employer’s Guide (PEN001)

Call us now to discuss your workplace pension requirements on 0117 9323444 or email

Pension support and education for employers

Pension scheme management can be a an area that employers require assistance with.  Here is an insightful webinar explaining how we manage NEST pensions through payroll.

Managing NEST Pensions through payroll 12/01/2021

Delivered 12/01/2021

Call us now to discuss your workplace pension requirements on 0117 9323444 or email

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