Cox & Co News

8 ‘Bewares’ when setting up Auto Enrolment

8 ‘Bewares’ when setting up Auto Enrolment

Before you embark on your Auto Enrolment project, perhaps it’s time for a pension spring clean and ensure your Human Resources awareness is up to scratch! Find out more with our 8 ‘Bewares’. For your auto enrolment advice and guidance call 0117 9323444.

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How average is your income?

How average is your income?

So are you likely to see a huge payrise today? Are you hoping to reach £50k/year by the time you are 40 years old? Whatever your drive is to earn more, perhaps you should consider the average earnings across Bristol (2015) and surrounding areas and get depressed?

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Auto Enrolment Contribution Predictions

Auto Enrolment Contribution Predictions

Auto enrolment is here and firmly staying. Are your employees aware that their contribution will increase as fiscal policy changes are made over the years? Where are AE contributions heading? Read our article to find out >>

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Payroll Services in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire

Payroll Services in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire

Our payroll presence goes a long way down, across and up the country – we have clients from the tip of Cornwall to the capital. Our payroll geographical area spirals out from central Bristol through Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire, Hampshire and beyond – of course we are always more than happy to improve the payroll service received by organisations in counties far and wide.

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Auto enrolment for directors

Auto enrolment for directors

Sole directors of limited companies often ask whether auto enrolment legislation will affect them. The answer depends on whether your directors are active employees or not.
Our simple guide will help or call us on 0117 9328145 or email

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Payroll Services in Bath

Payroll Services in Bath

Bath, a UNESCO world heritage site is known to be notoriously passionate about its approach to ‘buy local’ and supporting indigenous organisations.
Cox & Co. Payroll Solutions Ltd explain how they have managed to break the Bath frontier and sign two prestigeous Bath charities >>

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Auto enrolment payroll process guide

Auto enrolment payroll process guide

Setting up a robust and clear communication channel in advance of your staging date is key when planning your auto enrolment project. But what happens if you don’t have any idea what information is be required, by whom or when? How can you plan what you don’t know?

Don’t despair because we’re giving you a helping hand. We’ve written a nuts and bolts, behind the scenes Auto Enrolment Payroll Process Guide which should set you on your way.

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Employing ‘inpat’ workers

Employing ‘inpat’ workers

Employing ‘inpat’ workers can be confusing as an employer. Are these individuals eligible to work in the UK? Will they have to be paid like every other member of your staff? And what about HMRC and NI identities?

Read our very brief guide to get you started…

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Payroll Excel spreadsheet for data submission

Payroll Excel spreadsheet for data submission

Useful and simple payroll data Excel spreadsheet for inputting your employee’s hours and pay ready for submission and upload by us. Modify to your own requirements or ask us to help create a template from your existing spreadsheets.

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Payroll Processing Guidelines

Payroll Processing Guidelines

If you’re unsure how we work with our clients or whether you could work with us – read our payroll processing guides to learn and understand how simple it is to outsource your payroll, place rules and boundaries on timesheet submission and get employees paid “hands off”.

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