Auto enrolment payroll providers? 6 questions to ask!

Auto enrolment payroll providers? 6 questions to ask!

Feb 6, 2014 | Pensions

Are you looking for a payroll provider that’s auto enrolment ready?  What questions should you ask your chosen provider before signing the dotted line?

6 questions to check that your payroll provider is auto enrolment and Workplace Pension ready: 

1.  Can your provider reassure you their payroll bureau software has been successfully upgraded to include an auto enrolment module?

2.  Will your provider assess your workforce and provide you with a pre-staging assessment in advance of your staging date?

3.  Can your provider confirm they can match your pension provider’s requirements for data import?

4.  Will your provider manage all ‘opt-ins’, ‘opt-outs’ and postponements on your behalf?

5.  Will they retain the history of all communications for future reference on your behalf?

6.  What will it cost you for this extra auto enrolment service?

These are just a few questions – we’re sure you have more.  If you wish to understand what service we are providing our clients click here.

Should you have any worries or concerns regarding your current in-house or outsourced payroll provision then do give us a call or complete our online auto enrolment questionnaire.    Tel0117 9328145  Email:

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