Auto enrolment payroll process guide

Auto enrolment payroll process guide

Apr 16, 2015 | Pensions

Setting up a robust and clear communication channel in advance of your staging date is key when planning your auto enrolment project. But what happens if you don’t have any idea what information is required, by whom or when? How can you plan what you don’t know?

Don’t despair because we’re giving you a helping hand.  We’ve written a nuts and bolts, behind the scenes Auto enrolment Payroll Process Guide which should set you on your way.

What you need to know – We have been helping companies auto enrol since 2013  and have witnessed the workplace pension market morph from its creaky start and twist and contort to where it is today.   We’ve seen it all – from pension providers that are unprepared for our first auto enrolment data feeds, multiple patches in software to cope with ever changing workplace pension legislation to contrasting employer perceptions and needs.

It has to be said, no party is to blame … it has been a very steep learning curve for pension providers, software houses and payroll personnel alike.

It’s time for the auto enrolment process to be unveiled – From our experience understanding, planning and execution is key to a successful auto enrolment launch and ongoing cohesive administration.  However, what we have recognised is that employers lack a hands-on guide to what should take place within their payroll department, how it takes place and what should happen thereafter.

Our employer guide aims to cut through this fog and demystify who does what and when during the cycle of auto enrolment at every pay run.  So please read, download, print and share and do let us know your thoughts.

Read it here >>  Auto enrolment Payroll Process Guide


Business Development Manager

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