Payroll Services

take the stress out of your payroll

Consultancy & Reporting

Frequently, businesses and charities encounter challenging payroll and pension issues that require expert assistance. Whether it’s an HMRC PAYE audit, National Minimum Wage compliance concern, or a breach of Workplace Pension regulations, finding help for such technical and confidential matters can be a daunting task.

We are here to guide you through these complex situations and provide solutions, ensuring that your business can move forward with clear and decisive outcomes.

Find help for technical and confidential matters

Onsite or online training and education

We bridge the knowledge gap when key staff change in your business. Our expert team will help your new recruits understand payroll, pensions, and how to work with us seamlessly. Free webinars and expert guidance will save you time and ensure accurate information is available for your workforce.

For on-site visits or online webinars to enhance your workforce’s understanding of payroll and pensions, contact us at 0117 9323444.


Payroll and pension audit

Modern businesses navigate a diverse landscape of payroll and pension schemes, from legacy systems to TUPE transfers and new programs. While these systems offer flexibility, precise implementation within your software and governance structure is crucial. Even minor inconsistencies can lead to unintentional breaches of legislation. This can result in penalties, reputational damage, and costly backlogs.

Cox & Co.’s payroll and pension audits are your strategic partner in compliance. Our comprehensive evaluation goes beyond basic accuracy checks. We identify potential vulnerabilities, provide clear guidance for rectification, and equip your staff with the knowledge to maintain compliant administration in the future.

Don’t wait for red flags. Schedule an independent audit for peace of mind and a proactive approach to regulatory compliance. Contact us today!

Gender Pay Gap reporting

What is a Gender Pay Gap report?

A Gender Pay Gap report provides insight into the disparity between the average earnings of men and women in the workplace. When leveraged effectively, gender pay reporting becomes a valuable tool for evaluating equality levels and career progression within an organisation. It serves as an indicator of the roles occupied by female employees relative to their male counterparts.

Understanding the Difference: Gender Pay Gap vs. Equal Pay

It’s important to distinguish between the gender pay gap and equal pay. Equal pay addresses pay disparities between men and women performing the same jobs or work of equal value. In contrast, the gender pay gap highlights differences in average pay between men and women. A significant gender pay gap may indicate an imbalanced gender workforce or barriers that hinder women’s advancement in the workplace.

Gender pay reporting can be complex, involving intricate data extraction and manipulation criteria.

If you need assistance with preparing your Gender Pay Report, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today. We’re here to help simplify the process for you.

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