Payroll Services

take the stress out of your payroll

BACS – Employer Payments

Do you require pay day freedom?

We can assist in lightening your load when it comes to timely employee payments and employer disbursements through our BACS Payment System.

Our payment arrangements encompass:

  • Employees
  • HMRC
  • Student Loans
  • Court Orders
  • Child Maintenance responsibilities

Ensure your employees and liabilities are paid on-time:

BACS Services

Revolutionise your payroll with automated efficiency. Cox & Co. leverages secure BACS payments, eliminating the need for manual transfers. This streamlined system ensures timely and accurate payments reach your employees every time, even when you’re out of the office.

Plus, our secure BACS process enhances financial privacy – funds never touch our accounts, and only one transaction appears on your bank statement. Say goodbye to payroll headaches and embrace peace of mind with Cox & Co.’s automated BACS solution.

BACS Services – An Introduction (MRK012)

Contact us now to discuss your BACS payment requirements 0117 9323444

BACS Setup Process

To start the BACS setup process, you will need to make contact with your bank and request a “Service User Number” (SUN). This can take time and it’s always a good idea to discuss with us first, so that we can advise accordingly.

How to setup BACS – for employee payments (MRK011)

Contact us now to discuss your BACS payment requirements 0117 9323444

Bankline Payment Process

Our services streamline the process of creating and uploading files into your Bankline system, whether it’s for Natwest, Royal Bank of Scotland, or any other bank. We handle the preparation of the system, ensuring it’s ready for your approval.

Our Bankline administration services provides timely and accurate payments to your employees, HMRC, and other beneficiaries.  This simplifies your payroll processes, reduces the workload on your team, and enhances business reliability and efficiency

Get in touch with us now to discuss how we can help you streamline your payment process – 0117 9323444

International Payments

Global payments to international employees is handled through our international payment agent.  Conversion and administration fees will apply.

Get in touch with us for a strategy that will work every pay cycle 0117 9323444

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