Gender Pay Reporting – Legislation from April 5th

Gender Pay Reporting – Legislation from April 5th

Mar 29, 2017 | Payroll

Gender Pay Reporting – Legislation from 5th April

From 5th April 2017 all employers with a headcount of 250+ must publish their Gender Pay Report on their website and on the government’s central portal.

What is the Gender Pay Gap?

The gender pay gap shows the difference between the average earnings of men and women, Used to it’s full potential, gender pay reporting is a valuable tool for assessing levels of equality and career progression in the workplace. The gender pay gap is an indicator of the roles female employees have in a business in relation to male employees.

Gender Pay Gap or Equal Pay?

Gender pay gap differs from equal pay.

Equal pay deals with the pay differences between men and women who carry out the same jobs or work of equal value.

The gender pay gap shows the differences in the average pay between men and women.  A large gender pay gap could indicate an unbalanced gender workforce or failure of women to thrive in the workplace.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting

In essence, you payroll data will be used to take a snapshot on the 5th April 2017 and then annually from there after.

The data will be used to calculate:

  • The mean and median gender pay gap
  • The mean and median bonus gender pay gap
  • Proportion of males and females receiving a bonus
  • The proportion of males and females in each quartile across the data

A written statement, authorised by a senior spokesperson for the company which confirms the accuracy and explanation of the results must be published.

Acting on the results

Employers can look to the report’s results to take positive action and address any imbalances going forward.  The results of any actions taken to address the gender gap will be visible to the public on the company’s annual Gender Pay Report.

Employers may wish to consider:

  • Encouraging female recruitment into typically male dominated professions or pathways
  • Encouraging male recruitment into typically female dominated professions or pathways
  • Ensure talent management and career progression to senior roles are working for women
  • Ensure discriminatory attitudes or harassment is addressed
  • Ensure family friendly leave is managed successfully for both men and women
  • Ensure senior level promotions and roles can function with flexible working arrangements in place

How can Cox & Co. help?

Gender Pay Reporting is complicated and the criteria used to extract and manipulate the data is convoluted.  Cox & Co. Payroll Solutions Ltd’s team of experienced payroll consultants are here to provide you with advice or prepare your Gender Pay Report.

Download our leaflet here << Gender Pay Reporting >>

Call us now on 0117 9323444 or email

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