Workplace pension checklist

Workplace pension checklist

May 7, 2014 | Pensions

Many pension providers are closing their doors to non and existing clients because they are leaving the auto enrolment decisions just too late!

Don’t get caught out and use our workplace pension checklist to be prepared.

It’s simple – be prepared 6 months in advance of your staging date.

What is your staging date?                                          _______/______/________

Check your staging date here:  

The date 6 months prior to your staging date  is      ______/______/________   Project milestone!

Before this date (project milestone) you should:-

  1. Have received in writing confirmation from your pension provider that your intended pension product is auto enrolment compatible
  2. Have set up your auto enrolment pension provision (NEST or other pension provider)
  3. Have set up and tested your auto enrolment payroll module
  4. Have confirmed fee increases for workplace pension provision with your accountant
  5. Have confirmed fee increases for auto enrolment provision with your payroll provider
  6. Have trained your in-house payroll staff, agreed processes and expanded their role

Further auto enrolment guidance is available in the following articles.

Auto enrolment check list for employers – A quick guide

Auto enrolment lore – 5 myths revealed

Auto enrolment payroll providers – 6 questions to ask

Auto enrolment responsibilities – your payroll provider’s role

Is your payroll ready for the auto enrolment hurdle

Pension auto enrolment – will it break my business?

Workplace pensions – Hang around at the NEST bottleneck

Should you require any further help regarding your workplace pension project then do give us a call on 0117 9328145.


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